- ArtGate BoardPCB Art-Net/sACN to DMX converter with two optically isolated DMX ports
- Splitter Duo BoardPCB dual-zone optically isolated DMX splitter RDM hub
- LEDGate Wireless BoardPCB wireless 8/16 bit universal 12-24V DC with RDM functionality constant voltage DMX LED controller designed for use in theatrical scenery
- PixelGate BoardPCB Art-Net/sACN Digital Pixel Controller with built-in 2-ports ethernet switch
- LEDGate BoardPCB 8/16 bit universal 12-24V DC with RDM functionality constant voltage DMX LED controller designed for use in theatrical scenery
- LEDGate Slave BoardPCB expansion module for LEDGate Compact and LEDGate Wireless Compact
- IsoGate BoardPCB optically isolated DMX repeater, booster, distributor for DMX